The following references have been provided:-

• "I have dealt with Paul Pagdin for over 5 years auditing the accounts of Astro Technologies Ltd. During this time I have found the standard of his work to be first rate and his business decision making very commercial. He has always controlled costs well and put in place many financial procedures which allowed the quick interpretation of financial data.

Paul's skills set would be an asset to any business. 

Martin Aldridge, Partner, Princecroft Willis LLP. Office - 01202 785500 ; Email -"

• "Mr.Pagdin worked for me for 13 years, in the capacity of Finance Director, but also was a joint shareholder in our company.
I first met Mr Pagdin when I joined Astro as Managing Director, to assist in a multi- million pound management buy out. The MBO was structured and led by Mr.Pagdin, and involved a large Venture Capitalist company and Major Bank. After the MBO Mr.Pagdin then carried out a complete restructuring of the company's financial and management reporting systems to meet the demanding requirements of the VC investors. We subsequently carried a financial restructuring allowing us to buy out the VC investor. Throughout this period Mr.Pagdin's financial skills and knowledge were key to the successful operation of the business.
Mr.Pagdin has a complete capability to set up financial systems from the basics through to the most complex reporting involving multi-currency transactions. He has an in-depth knowledge of computing requirements, and was responsible for designing and implementing many computing systems to facilitate the company's financial systems. As well as the financial aspects of a company's operations Mr.Pagdin also had responsibility for all commercial, legal, personnel, I.T. and general administrative matters. His grasp of each of these topics is impressive, and is backed by a very high work rate.
Throughout the time that Mr.Pagdin and I worked together he showed a complete understanding of all aspects of the company's business, and was a valued advisor and colleague. He has a strong and pleasant personality, with a great sense of humour, and is an effective manager who was well liked and respected by his subordinates. I have no doubt that Mr.Pagdin will be able to provide the highest possible level of service to any company.
Prior to joining Astro I had worked at Board level with several multinational companies, and so I am able to give Mr.Pagdin the highest possible recommendation based on a wide international comparison.
Should further details or explanation be needed I can be contacted on 01202 697272.

26 Caesars Way, Broadstone, Dorset, BH18 9DP. June 2008"

• A further reference may be obtained from Andrew Heathcock , Partner in Paris Smith and Randall LLP Solicitors who has known Paul Pagdin since 1995. Email Tel. 023 8048 2211